Hope resides in your Creative Power! We all had plenty of hope as children. It was a magical time when anything was possible! We dreamed big dreams, we tried new things, we failed, we pick ourselves up and kept dreaming and doing, all the while learning and moving forward.
But when we heard, things like; “It’s better to be safe than sorry. Just follow the others kids and you’ll be safe. Or, "You're asking for what? - You know money doesn’t grow on trees!” "Well who do you think you are? What makes you think that you'll ever be able to do that?”
That’s when we learn that if we want to fit in, we better just do what everyone else is doing and avoid the pain of criticism. When we’re young we don’t have the ability to defend our dreams do we? Neither do we question what everyone else is teaching us or what they believe.
And all of a sudden imagination is silly, you learn not to trust your intuition, and forget creativity - it's out the window. And at some point we trade hope for from wounds that go deep every time we openly express ourselves or feel a little too comfortable in our own skin as children. That's when we find we are no longer connected to our Creative Power.
So we get stuck along the road of life.
So we get stuck along the road of life someplace that’s not even remotely related to where we want to go. But getting reconnected is what we have to do if we want to get back on course with our dreams. You've got to get reconnected with that inner drive that fuels your passions.
You may not be on the road, right now, that you believe will take you to your dream destination in life. But the good news is you can get there from where you are right now.
In other words, reaching your preferred destination is not contingent upon the circumstances in your life at the time. Think about this with me for a second. We’ve all heard people say, If I only had a better education. Or, if I wasn’t stuck in this dead-end job, or the marriage I’m in, or If I’d gotten a better start in life, surely, I would be able to do better. But basically that’s like saying, “I can’t get there from here”…well, you can.
While driving your car, even your GPS will get you back on course from wherever you are any time you take a wrong turn. When you start out doesn’t your GPS say, “You are on the fastest route to your destination?” If you take a turn that’s not on the fastest route guess what?…it’s going to put you right back on it from the point you got off. So…yes you can reach your goals, and realize your dreams from where you are…right now.
Even in life we have a preferred destination don’t we? - Someplace else we'd rather be than where we are right now?
It's been said that, When we are motivated by:
- Goals that have deep meaning
- By dreams that need completion and
- By pure love that needs expressing
What about your motivation - your Creative Power? Feeling stuck? We all do at some point don't we...get stuck that is. Let me give you something to think about this week. Think about where you REALLY want to be in your life and WHY you want to be there. Don’t waste time thinking about where you are now and how you got there.
Ask yourself two questions:
1. What is my preferred destination in life? (How would my dreams play out)
2. Why is that the place I want to go?
This WHY question will be a little more challenging than the first one. But they are inextricably linked. Usually answering the first question will help you get to the answer to question number two.
Your WHY is your Life's Purpose. Every one of us has a “generalized” calling in life to do all the good we can, while we can, by any means we can. Usually this is lived out through our career or through opportunities to help others.
But each of us also has a more specific Higher Calling or Higher Good for our lives. And that shows up in the dreams that have been uniquely given us. It's your dream career or life in which you are living full throttle on the energy of your Creative Power. It's the life you must live to be truly fulfilled.
Everyone has dreams…not everyone sees their dreams fulfilled.
So…Why are you here? What were you born to do? How will you leave this world a better place for having been here?
And no one can answer this for you. Goals that have deep meaning are YOUR goals. Dreams that need fulfilling are your dreams, not someone else's.
So this week, make it YOURS…make it real. ...Stay Connected!