Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Purpose, Vision & Goals are the road maps that your Creative Power will follow. 

What do we mean when we say, Creative Power? Well think about how we travel…it takes energy to move forward doesn’t it? Whether we’re walking, riding a bicycle, in a car or on a Harley…we need Power.

All vehicles come with an engine or some means of going from point A to point B. And your Creative Power was given to you at birth. It’s the desire and energy you were born with. It’s the DRIVE you need to learn and do ANYTHING worthwhile with your life.

In the past you have used your Creative Power, to learn to walk, talk, feed yourself, tie your shoes, to read, or learn new skills on any new job…virtually everything you’ve learned since birth, your Creative Power was involved.

You see its the desire to learn, to move forward and improve your life. Think with me for a moment of a baby learning to walk. Everyone else around him is walking, and it’s just in him to push himself up off the floor and go. We cheer him on - even when he falls. We encourage him when his wobbly little legs give out and he tumbles to the floor. But…more than our cheers… it’s his Creative Power that motivates him to get up and go at it again. You see it’s this Creative Power that drives him to teach HIMSELF how to walk.

When we were young it seems we could overcome any obstacle.

If we think about it, when we were young it seems we could overcome any obstacle couldn’t we? We learned everything by overcoming some obstacle and usually it was pretty big for us at the time! And yet as adults we find many of life’s obstacles sidetrack us, we get stuck when faced with really big problems. Is it because the obstacles were so much smaller then that we were able to overcome them or was it because we relied more on our…Creative Power? It’s that imagination, intuition, desire, creativity and drive to be and do more - that we still need today to be BIG problem solvers.

You might say, other than those who guided us and modeled the new skills…our Creative Power is all we had. Didn’t you really teach yourself to read? I did. I was such a poor reader in school…we had reading circles, Reading group A for the best and the brightest, B for those who needed a little more time to improve and the C reading circle for the slowest readers. And…every year I found myself in the C reading group…and when it was my turn to read I STILL lost my place. But as slow as I was…I had to read. School, learning, taking tests…it’s all about reading isn’t it?

So I lumbered along the best I could. But something happened the summer after 8th grade. I discovered - Science Fiction and…my reading skills just took off. You see it was the interest in what I was reading that buoyed my confidence while my skills improved.

Now, this may be a little known fact…but studies have shown that the vocabulary that we all need to be able to read on an adult level is pretty much developed by the time we’re in the 9th grade. It’s a brain thing. It’s developmental. So would I have learned to read well anyway? Not if I’d given up.

It’s holding the Vision of being able to acquire a new skill, or to move ourselves in the direction of our dreams…that’s what you need to get YOU to your preferred destination. No matter how difficult the task or how many times you take a wrong turn, even if it’s uphill all the way… hold on to your Vision until you see it accomplished.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Have I given my best effort to following my dreams?
  2. Have I actually given up on my dreams?
  3. Where and when did I lose touch with my Creative Power - my desire and drive to see my dreams fulfilled?
  4. What would it take to jump back in where I left my dream?
Dreams Don’t Simply Die 

Usually dreams don’t just go away. We are connected to our dreams on a deeper level - at the level of our Life’s Purpose. Our dreams usually keep manifesting themselves in our conscious and subconscious minds until we take steps to see them completed. Then they turn into achievable goals. 

 Action Steps
  • Start by writing out your dreams. What would your life look like if you were living your dream right now? 
  • Write out the first step you will take to seeing your dream to completion.
  • Write the date you plan to take this step or have it completed. 
  • Continue this process as you work through several of the goals you have listed for yourself. 
  • Congratulate yourself and celebrate even small successes on your way to your dream life!

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