Friday, August 5, 2016


 Our creativity is as diverse as we are.

Achieving our personal goals can be challenging can’t it? If we start with goals…we’re sure to be frustrated. But if we start with Purpose and Vision I believe we’ll find that we have a vastly different outcome. In this lesson we’ll show you how to reach more of your goals more often.

We've said, that Purpose, Vision and Goals are the road maps that your Creative Power will follow. And of course your Creative Power is that internal engine which drives your enthusiasm, desires and interests, in life.

I think we all pretty much know the best way to travel long distances is to take short breaks along the way. Rest stops are usually busy places aren’t they? Generally people know that the more often they take short breaks on a long trip, the more likely they are to stay alert and arrive safely at their destination.

Purpose, Vision and Goal setting is not just about getting RESULTS, but more about how we create what we want in our lives. 

It’s not about getting ahead of the pack, or even keeping up with current trends, but rather staying the course, on the road to seeing your dreams fulfilled.

Could it be that on life’s journey toward our goals and dreams that we need some rest stops along the way? Times of reflection and self evaluation?

You know for a long time I lived life the way I drove my car. Pedal to the metal. I would go full throttle for so long that eventually I’d just crash and burn. And that never was a pretty sight. I remember in college I had a goal of graduating in record time. Not only did I take a full load of classes each semester but I worked full time on third shift. I did that for two years straight while taking SUMMER classes no less!

And I mean to tell you…it really caught up with me. After those two years of going nonstop I hit a wall… not only that, I fell into a deep hole of depression that I couldn’t shake for the longest time. Now you probably know this… linked to depression, are strong feelings of failure and loss of hope. And depression is a classic disconnect from our Creative Power isn’t it?

Thankfully my wife Ivette was very supportive through those dark days. As much as I’d determined to quit she was determined not to let me. She said, “I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to get your degree.” And she did…she cleaned houses, sold Mary Kay, took on odd jobs, and all that - while being a mom, chauffeur and referee of our four children. I had to stay at my job, but Ivette got me back in school, and got me to graduate. Thank you Hon.

With that one experience I had my first real taste of my own vulnerability. It slowed me down in my drive to get to the finish line fast. So…to put this in perspective, I think we could say that what WE call goal setting and goal achieving, is not so much a destination…as it is a journey.

Rather than chasing our dreams at high speed, I think we have to take care of ourselves…and this Creative Power we’ve been given. The Power that drives our enthusiasm for life.

So rather than a race to the end…if we will look at goal achieving as a process…of CREATING, MAINTAINING and MANIFESTING…I believe we’ll have vastly different results.

And what I’m about to share with you right now…may very well be the most imprtant thing I have to say in this post.

You see when you begin to understand goal setting and goal achieving as a Creative Process of vizualizing your end result and holding that image while working toward your goal…You’ll begin to see reaching your goals in a whole new light. And that's when you’ll begin to see more of your personal goals reached more often. 

Here are some questions to help reveal how you may see goal setting and achieving. Do I see goal setting and achieving as a:
  • A finish line to cross?
  • A creative process?
Creativity is as diverse as we are, as people. Someone might say, "I'm just not a creative person." Hold on! We ALL experience creativity in different ways.

What does creativity look like in your experience?
  • A unique or novel idea?
  • Musical composition?
  • A scientific theory?
  • A joke?
  • A painting?
  • A literary work?
  • An invention? 
 Is your creative medium a word processor, paint, charcoal, PowerPoint, automotive tools, Photo Shop, poetry or a camera? We each excel in different creative mediums. 

Let me ask you to suspend judging yourself as "I'm not the creative type" until you've explored your strengths. Play around with different mediums of creativity. Give yourself time and permission to find your creative bent. 

Have fun and THRIVE in your newfound freedom! 

AND...Stay connected!


Merci Bien said...

Dreams and setting goals are useless until you wake up from dreaming and do the first step. There must be an enthusiasm ..the strong desire and belief that you can. Remember that we should not die with dreams..but with memories!

Anonymous said...

For me, confrontation is a must to have a healthy relationship.If you love a person, or if a person loves you, there must be no sugar coated lies just to please him or her to avoid arguments. Confrontation can be done in a gentle way which will show our concern and love instead of judging..we need to let that person feel that we love him or her but we don't like what he did..and remind that person the worst that may happen if ever he goes on doing it.